Writer offended by jokes

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 17, 2012

I attended the Red Garter Review Friday night, March 2, 2012, and in my opinion it was one of, if not the best one I have ever seen ( I have not missed but two or three since they began).

We here in Covington County are so blessed to have such outstanding talent that is shared and enjoyed by all. The arrangement of each performance speaks volumes of the hard work, love of the arts and professionalism of all the staff and participants. They all deserve a “10.”

I was enjoying the Mrs. Grundy acts so much because I am a faithful reader of Mrs. Grundy in the Andalusia Star-News. Then the funny and entertaining info went from a “roast” to a venting of hurtful, vindictive and spiteful (in that order) attack on one person. The mention of $1.8 million stolen at the courthouse, Tutwiler and other information was not funny.

I felt like I was part of the crowd that was yelling “crucify Him.” The integrity of the Red Garter Review was shaken (and that hurts all of us) because someone turned the stage and captive audience into a personal and vindictive agenda instead of a Funny! Good Taste! Roast and Spoof.

I am already am looking forward to next year’s event so let me say again thank you to all who work so hard to bring this wonderful event to Andalusia.

Mary Tarsi
