How does your garden grow? With roses, dahlias and more
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 19, 2011
The El Martes Garden Club began the 2011-2012 year with a review of anticipated programs and the announcement its new officers and winners at this year’s Kiwanis Covington County fair flower show.
New officers are Jerri Stroud, president; Paula Hagler, vice president; Faye Enzor, secretary; Pat Stewart, treasurer; and Nan Pike, parliamentarian.
Club members, led by Barbara Bryant, and Betty Johnson, Co-Chairpersons, and the Flower Show Committee members, Louise Yeargain, Flora Craig, and Judy Buck assisted the Kiwanis Club with the Covington County Fair’s annual horticulture flower show beginning with registration of entries on Oct. 16 and running through the duration, colorful of the fair.
El Martes Garden Club wishes to especially express gratitude to the residents whose participation in and support of this year’s flower show made it a huge success.
There were 88 beautiful and colorful entries that ranged from simple, stunning one-stemmed arrangements to elegant container plants from all over the county. The many beautiful plants presented at the show gave attendees a glimpse of the talents of gardeners in Covington County.
The show winners this year were:
• Yellow Marigold: second place, Ronnie Kilgore.
• Orange Marigold: first place, Elosie Teel; second place, Noah Teel; and third place, Courtney Teel
• One Marigold Spray: first place, Beverly Armstrong; second place, Elosie Teel
• Zinnia: first place, Amy Dugger; second place, Ronnie Kilgore; and third place, Joe Moore
• Zinnia (over 2”): first place and second place, Amy Dugger; and third place, Ronnie Hendrix
• Mexican Sunflower: first place, Eloise Teel; second place, Joe Moore; and third place, Jean Fuqua
• Coleus: first place, Marie Raley; second place, Brenda Haygens; and third place, Marie Raley
• Single Gerber Daisy: second place, Ronnie Hendrix
• Double Gerber Daisy: first and second place, Barbara Bryant
• Chrysanthemum: first place, Ronnie Hendrix; second place, Eloise Teel; and third place, Brenda Haygens
• Chrysanthemum (one spray): first place, Joe Moore; second place, Elosie Teel; and third place, Ronnie Hendrix
• Other cut flowering specimens: first place, Forrest Spillman; second place, Barbara Bryant; and third place, Betty Johnson
• Dahlia (one bloom): first place, Elosie Teel; second place, Noah Teel; and third place, Chloe Teel
• Pine Cone Lilly: first place, Louise Yeargain; second place, Pat Yeargain; and third place, Jean Fuqua
• Other bulbs, corm, tubers, rhizomes: second place, Olivia Walker
• Umbrella Plant: first place, Elosie Teel; second place, Ronnie Hendrix; and third place, Noah Teel
• Grasses: first place, Brenda Haygens
• Other decorative cut foliage: first place, Ronnie Hendrix
• Gold Dust Aucuba: first place, Jean Fuqua; second place, Betty Johnson; and third place, Judy Buck
• Euonymus: second place, Nan Pike
• Tree Ivy: first place, Nan Pike; and second place, Jean Fuqua
• Hydranga: first place, Pat Stewart
• Other cut foliage: first place, Melissa Gambril; and second and third place, Nan Pike
• Rose, any color, one stem: first place, Elosie Teel; second place, Beverly Armstrong; and third place, Forrest Spillman
• Rose, any color, one spray: first place, Elosie Teel; second place, Brenda Haygens; and third place, Emmy Rabren
• Hanging basket: first place, Judy Buck; and second place, Ron Hendrix
• Aloe: first place, Julia Swain
• Cactus: first place, Ronnie Hendrix; second place, Bruce Rowinsky; and third place, Bruce Row-insky
• Ech-everia, hen and chicks: third place, Julia Swain
• Kal-anchoe: first place, Jean Fuqua
• Mother-in-law tongue: second place, Elosie Teel
• Begonia: second place, Brenda Haygens
• Fern, any type: first place, Marie Raley; and third place, Julia Swain
• Geranium: third place, Brenda Haygens
• Holly with berries: second place, Barbara Bryant
• Nandina: first place, Betty Johnson; second place, Jean Fuqua; and third place, Barbara Bryant
• Pittosporum: first place, Judy Buck
• Tea Olive: first place, Olivia Walker
• Camellia: first place, Melissa Gambril; second place, Pat Yeargain; and third place, Melissa Gambril
• Hibiscus: third place, Julia Swain
• Mixed container garden: first place, Judy Buck; and third place, Julia Swain
• Other container plants: first place, Carolyn Wilson; second place, Bruce Bowinsky; and third place, Beverly Armstrong
• Any container grown plant (over 12”): first place, Gretchen Varner; and second place, Maxine Day
The El Martes Garden Club wishes to especially express gratitude to the residents of Covington County whose participation in and support of this year’s flower show made it a huge success.