All it takes is a little prayer
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I’m not generally one frightened by bad weather.
In fact, I usually love it. Odd sentiment, I know, considering I’m not a meteorologist or an on-air weather girl.
But for the majority of those in the news business, storms equal stories – hence my affection of rain and wind.
On the flipside, I also love rain this time of year because that’s one less night spent at the ballpark, but the rain didn’t make it there early enough for us to skip the ball game.
I shouldn’t complain – I know they’ll only be young once – but with three girls, three different teams, it makes it a little rough.
However, I digress…like I said I’m not usually scared of bad weather, but that was not the case Monday as the “wind and rain” event made its way through Covington County.
When the ballgame started a 6 p.m., the sky was purple, and it was hot – the two signs that tell any good Southerner to batten down the hatches.
The umpire had no sooner called “game” around 8 p.m. when the bottom fell out. It was the funniest sight to watch everybody scatter like ants whose hill just got ran over by the lawnmower.
It was 8:45 p.m. before we made it home. I threw everyone in the shower, made them brush their teeth and bundled them in bed by 9:30 p.m. It was just enough time for me to settle onto the couch for a little TV before the deluge started.
The sound of the rain hitting the house was comforting at first. At 10 p.m., I decided to head to bed myself. By 11 p.m., I was wishing I’d gone across the road to my brother’s house.
The thunder was pounding so hard it shook the windows. The lightning flashed every two seconds. The wind – well, the wind was howling so fierce that it shook the house.
I kept peeping out the window, convinced it was going to be that scene from “Twister” where the lighting flashes just enough for them to see the tornado coming.
It scared me so bad, I very nearly called my sweet thing crying because I was convinced we were going to be blown over into the woods.
Instead, I calmed myself and sat in the center of the bed and did the one thing that I knew that would help – I prayed.
I prayed that we’d survive the night without any loss of life, limb or property.
I prayed for those who were out working in the horrific weather.
I prayed that our power didn’t go out.
Most importantly, I prayed that God would keep my children safe.
And He delivered.
My children never woke up – not even when that crack of lightning hit some poor tree out behind the house.
They never made a sound when all the lawn furniture whopped itself up against the side of the house.
They never even whimpered when the hail hit the windows.
All I can say is “Thank you Jesus. We survived the night.”