County financials improving

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 5, 2011


County financial condition continues to improve. The financial statement ended up showing all funds in a positive balance. The general fund closed with the best balance in several years. Plus we reduced the long-term debt by approximately $1.6 million this year.

FEMA funds have had a positive affect on our financial condition also, giving us the additional funds needed to improve our county roads. We need to continue to use these funds in a positive way.

We are still in the process of working on our Qeb site, trying to make improvements each month. We have moved into the 21st century by implementing direct deposit for our county employees, making our payroll more efficient than ever.

The elevator is up and running at the courthouse with some cosmetic work to still be done. We hope to be able to spruce up the front entrance of the courthouse, making it more appealing as you enter the building.

All department heads are working hard to stay within their budget, which makes our jobs as commissioners less complicated.

Revenue commissioner Janice Hart and her department are working toward getting our new digital mapping system up and running. I think this is a great job being done by her and this department.

Road crews have been hindered by the weather but continue to improve our roads with their hard work.

We continue to payoff equipment and sell some of the excess equipment we had. We now have an inventory control clerk, which will help us manage our inventory. The road department and engineering department shall be more accountable for the county equipment and supplies than ever before.

Our newly elected Industrial Development Board will be used as a vehicle to encourage economic development in all of Covington County. The board’s job is to promote, find and meet with different entities that are interested in coming to Covington County. This will be a great tool for our county to show that we are eager to pursue businesses to locate here.

Ethics rules continue to change, making the way we work change day by day.

Revenues from the state and federal government will continue to shrink as they cut their budgets. We will continue to have to try to find a way to increase our revenue anyway possible without increasing taxes on our citizens.

We must remember we cannot spend money we don’t have or borrow money we do not have the ability to pay back, but continue to provide the service that is required for our citizens of the county.

The changes we have made as your county commissioners have not always been the most popular decisions but it has paid off over the last two years being able to manage financial obligations on a weekly basis without such difficulty. The decisions that our state is planning to make soon will not be popular either but will be necessary to improve our state’s financial condition also.

Please feel free to call me at 504-2561 or email messages to

David Ellis is a county commissioner who represents the residents of District 4 in Opp.