Marrow drive nets 6 matches
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 7, 2011
Six possible bone marrow matches were found at last week’s drive for Andalusia native Mandy Williamson Bradley.
The drive, which was held New Year’s Day at PowerSouth, came after weeks of hoping and praying for promising news.
Bradley, an Andalusia native, was recently diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a condition in which her body’s blood-producing bone marrow has shut down.
Her only option to survive is to receive a bone marrow transplant.
“We received a call from the doctor that said there were six possible matches,” said Kathy Williamson, Bradley’s mother. “And three were coming in for testing this week.”
Williamson said the other three had not yet been located.
“They are supposed to call us as soon as possible,” she said.
Once the family receives the call that a match has been found, they will travel to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.
“We’re excited that we have some answers, but still, we don’t want to get overly excited,” Williamson said.
Until then, Bradley must receive several blood transfusions each week.
Last weekend’s turnout was “absolutely wonderful,” Williamson said.
“We had 166 to come out and be swabbed, and we had more than 50 pints of blood donated,” she said.
“The people said they had never had that many come out for a bone marrow drive,” she said. “The weather was horrendous, but it turned out great. I want to thank everyone who turned out, and I pray that everyone will bless each and everyone of them.”