Reading program wraps up
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 2, 2010
It’s a wrap for the Andalusia Public Library’s summer reading program.
Thursday marked the last weekly program when PowerSouth putting on its Safety City program in front of a crowd of 70.
Anna Stephens of PowerSouth talked to the children present about the dos and don’ts of dealing with powerlines.
Stephens told those present that PowerSouth linemen use special insulated gloves when working on the lines.
She also talked them about conductors.
“Metal is a good conductor,” she said. “Humans are also good conductors because our bodies are made up of water.”
Stephens cautioned the children about what to do if they encountered a broken or downed powerline.
“Don’t touch trees and broken powerlines, you will get electrocuted,” she said. “Don’t touch someone who has touched a powerline. Run, tell an adult to call 911.”
Children learned they should only fly kites in an open field and never near powerlines.
Library Director Karin Taylor said overall attendance ranged from more than 200 on opening day to nearly 300 at one point during the summer program.
“I think it was a great summer program. It has been a great year. ” she said. “We have thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Taylor reminded those in attendance to turn in their artwork for the annual contest by today.
The art contest is open for children ages 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.
Any medium will be accepted. Winning artwork will hang in the library for a year. Other artwork will be donated to Savannah Terrace residents.