Sitel needs 100 more

Published 11:58 pm Thursday, March 19, 2009

At least 100 of Sitel’s recently announced 200 positions have yet to be filled, said Brandy Miller, site director, Thursday.

The company has met its 90-day, 100-employee goal announced in January, but only 50 percent of its overall goal of 200 new employees.

“Absolutely, I need more, because I have 600 total seats, and I’d like to fill them all,” Miller said. “We have the business, but right now, our biggest issue is finding people interested in working evenings and weekends.”

Sitel, which is located in Sanford, is an inbound customer call center with 60,000 associates in 27 countries. Locally, the company currently employs approximately 500. Employees are needed to provide customer service for one of the nation’s leading wireless companies, she said.

“If you think about it, (evenings and weekends are) the time when we have our highest call volume,” she said. “Customers are going to call when they’re not at work, so we’re looking for people who can work after 1 p.m. and at least one weekend day.”

Miller said these are fulltime permanent positions and the opportunity is still available for those seeking part-time work.

“We will hire for part-time, but that person has to train full-time,” she said. “That means five days a week, but after that, we’re happy to accommodate their schedule.”

Starting salary is $7.50 per hour with raises after 30 days, 90 days and one year of service. Insurance, paid vacation and sick leave and 401k benefits are also available.

“So within a year, you could be making at least $8.50 an hour and that doesn’t include the bonuses you can earn,” she said. “There’s referral bonuses, outstanding customer support bonuses, all sorts of ways you can make extra money.”

For example, Miller said, clients rate service calls on a scale of 1 to 5.

“Say you do an great job and the client gives you a four, that’s a $400 bonus,” she said. “A five, that’s $500. It’s not easy, you’ve really got to be willing to go for it and do your best, but the opportunity to make that extra money is there.

“We have a lot of employees who make a killing at it,” she said.

Interested applicants can fill out applications online at and click on “Careers” or call 334-428-2900 for more information.