Mrs. Claus spills beans on Santa
Published 12:32 am Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The elves are busy. The reindeer are getting ready and Santa is loading his sleigh.
In the midst of the activity, Mrs. Claus smiles as she serves warm cookies and hot chocolate to the Santa and his helpers.
The wife of the famous man in red hasn’t given an interview in several years. However, this season she granted the Star-News an exclusive one-on-one visit to answer questions about her husband and what goes on at the North Pole.
Q: Good morning Mrs. Claus. We appreciate you taking time to talk with us. Christmas is almost here. So what is going on at the North Pole in these final hours?
A: It is so good to visit with the Star-News again. It is quite busy back at home. The elves are working almost around the clock. Just about the only time they stop is for a cookies and milk break. They do enjoy cookies, almost as much as Santa.
Q: Do the elves work long hours and are they tired?
A: Well, they work in shifts so some of them are resting while some are working. You know they are also magical creatures. They just don’t seem to get tired during the holiday season.
Q: What kinds of things do the elves do?
A: Oh, they have a lot of different jobs. Some of the elves work in the electronics department and some work in the games section. There is a department for any toy you can imagine.
And they do other things too. They report to Santa when they see boys and girls being kind to each other. It makes Santa so happy to hear about people being kind to each other. He is jolly himself you know and he likes seeing people happy, especially children.
The elves also help take care of the reindeer — give them hay and get them ready for their Christmas trip.
Q: What do you do during the Christmas season? You must stay busy too.
A: Yes I have quite a lot of things to take care of this time of year, but I like the holiday season. It is my favorite time of year. I help Santa read the letters he gets and I make sure to keep everyone supplied with cookies and other treats. Sometimes I go with Santa when he visits a mall or store, but most of the time I stay busy at home. I like staying close to home. Of course, we do a lot of decorating at the North Pole and I have a great time doing it.
Q: The kinds of toys children ask for has changed over the years. What other changes have you seen besides the gift requests for Santa?
A: One of the biggest changes and something that has helped streamline things is the use of computers and the Internet. It makes it so easy for Santa to communicate with his helpers all over the world, and he has quite a lot of them you know. We also get a lot of letters by e-mail and that is a big change.
Q: One of the big questions children ask is how Santa manages to get to every home on Christmas Eve. Can you tell them?
A: Perhaps the best part of Christmas is the mystery of it all and I wouldn’t want to spoil that by giving away Santa’s secrets. Let me just say he is able to do whatever needs doing to see that Christmas morning is special for children, and again, he has lots of helpers he calls on to make sure the magic happens each year. Even parents can be helpers sometimes.
Q: Is it true that Santa checks his list twice and leaves children off who have been naughty?
A: Santa would never leave a child out of the Christmas magic. He does want them to be good because he knows they are happier when they are good, but he understands it can be hard for children to be good all the time especially when they are so excited. He just wants them to do their best.
Q: What will Santa do the day after Christmas?
A: He sleeps almost all day that day because he is really tired. Then he may take a day or two off, but he heads right back to the workshop to start getting ready for next year.
Q: You mentioned that Santa is jolly. A lot of folks wonder what Santa is really like and you know that better than anyone. Can you tell us a bit about the man himself?
A: Santa is a dear, dear man. He is kind and good and so filled with love for everyone. He is also funny. He keeps everyone in the workshop laughing with all his jokes. And he helps me around the house, something most people don’t know about him. He even washes dishes and sweeps when I need a hand.
Santa also loves animals. We have lots of pets, but of course the reindeer are probably his favorites.
There are things that make Santa sad. He doesn’t like to see anyone hurt or mistreated. He wants there to be peace in all hearts. I know that is his greatest wish.
Q: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. Are you on your way home?
A: Yes, I have to get back and make sure the elves and Santa are ready for Christmas Eve. I would like to remind children how much Santa loves cookies. He likes the treats they leave for him every year.
I enjoyed visiting Covington County again and I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.