Homecoming services at SLBC, Glenwood UMC this Sunday
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Glenwood United Methodist Church invites you to join in their homecoming activities April 22, 2007, beginning at 11 a.m.
Former pastor Fred Zobel will bring the morning message.
The traditional covered dish lunch will follow the morning worship service.
Afternoon singing will start around 1:15 p.m.
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The “New Out Look” group of senior citizens from Luverne First Baptist Church enjoyed a great fun day trip to Shocco Springs on Wednesday, April 11th.
The people gathered at the church bus at 7:30 a.m., and after a devotional and prayer by J. I. Brook, the group traveled to Shocco.
They attended the 11 a.m. worship service in the chapel with many other senior citizens who were attending a three-day senior citizen retreat.
The group ate lunch in the Shocco cafeteria.
On the way home they toured the Blue Bell Ice Cream Plant, ice cream parlor and gift shop in Sylacauga.
The plant was celebrating their 100th year in business.
On returning home, the group thanked Suzette Helms (bus driver) for a safe trip.
Then George Johnson dismissed the group of 17 with prayer.
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South Luverne Baptist Church Grateful Hearts Adult Fellowship held their April covered dish supper on April 12th at 6 p.m.
Becky Welch opened the meeting by playing and leading everyone in a “Happy Birthday” song to all having April birthdays.
Brother Mike Green welcomed everyone and gave the blessing for the meal.
After the meal, Becky blessed everyone with more songs.
Edna Norsworthy introduced Jacky Richburg as the special guest speaker.
Jacky is the Regional Admissions Coordinator for Northport Health Services Management, L.L.C.
He gave a very informative and interesting presentation on all the services that the Luverne Health and Rehabilitation, L.L.C. has to offer.
Their theme is “Our Family Caring for Yours.”
The main focus of his speech was
“Come Back Home to Luverne for rehab.”
Next time you or a loved one find yourselves in need of good quality, caring, progressive and proven rehabilitation, ask to come “back home” to Luverne.
The choice is yours to make.
Jacky also gave out printed material that listed all the questions you should ask before deciding on a rehab center.
He elaborated on all the quality services that the Luverne Center has in place to serve their residents and anyone needing rehab.
Jacky introduced Ashley Toliver, who is the Admissions Coordinator for Luverne.
He also answered many questions from those in attendance.
Becky Welch closed the meeting by rendering more special music.
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The 1947 LHS Classmate Lunch Bunch met for their every second Thursday of the month luncheon on April 12th at 11 a.m.
The classmates enjoyed a lunch at The Chicken Shack.
After lunch they gathered in the private dining room for conversation and sharing.
The main topic was their looking forward to their upcoming 60th reunion to be held the first Saturday in August at the Luverne Shriner's Club.
This will be a covered dish luncheon hosted by the Lunch Bunch members.
The members attending signed several “Thinking of You” cards to members who have been absent due to illness themselves or their spouses.
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The Luverne Garden Club would like to thank all who came and purchased plants and other items that helped them have a great financial success with their annual plant and bake sale fundraiser.
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Homecoming will be celebrated at South Luverne Baptist Church this Sunday, April 22nd.
Pastor Mike Green will deliver the homecoming message at 11 a.m.
Everyone is invited to stay after the service for a covered dish lunch.
The church was incorporated in 1984.
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Wonder Wheels, a group of Christians who ride bicycles across America, will be passing through Luverne on Friday, April 20th.
South Luverne Baptist Church will be providing their fellowship hall for an overnight stay.
The Luverne UMC has in the past provided their building to this group.
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Attending the three-day Spring Senior Citizens' Retreat at Shocco Springs from South Luverne were Doris Rogers, Mary and Bobby Morgan and Guy Bruce.
The retreat was a wonderful and inspiring conference and is always highly recommended by people who attend.
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The place to be this Saturday for all ladies is at Midway Community Church.
The Women's Ministry is inviting women of the area to join them and bring their favorite doll.
This is a retreat that will start at 9 a.m. and last until 3 p.m.
There is no admission, and the lunch is free.
Reba Ticker of Randolph, Ala., will be the guest speaker on “What Kind of Doll are You?”
Call Sara Alexander at (334) 382-7423 for more information and to register.
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J. W. and Edna Norsworthy hosted a birthday supper on Saturday night at 6 p.m. to honor their granddaughter, Angela Arthur, on her 30th birthday.
The birthday celebration was held in the Community Room at Meadowcrest Apartments.
The party area was decorated in the colors of blue and yellow to match the decorated birthday cake.
In spite of the bad weather, 16 family members helped Angela celebrate.
The Norsworthys stated, “It doesn't get any better than this, when we can get the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends together.”
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The Crenshaw Baptist WMU quarterly meeting was held Monday, night, April 16th, at South Luverne Baptist.
The welcome and blessing on the meal was given by Pastor Mike Green.
The meal was served at 6 p.m. with First Baptist Church as co-hostess with SLBC.
After the meal and fellowship, everyone gathered in the church sanctuary and Brent Watson led the group in two songs.
Announcements and Prayer Patterns were made by Betty Leverette.
Patsy Haws gave a nominating report.
Special music was given by Ann Tate and Brent Watson, who sang a beautiful, old hymn, “‘Neath the Old Olive Trees” that was so appropriate for the slide presentation of pictures that was given by Pastor Mike Green.
The pictures were made by Rev. Mike on his trips to The Holy Land.
His comments, along with the slides, were very interesting.
He encouraged all churches to send their pastors on a tour of the Holy Land. He stated that his experience of having the opportunity to visit the Holy Land has been life-changing.
The meeting was adjourned by prayer by Rev. Jim Abbott.