Crenshaw County Historical Society to meet at Luverne Public Library Feb. 18
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 17, 2007
The Crenshaw County Historical Society will meet on Sunday, February 18, at the Luverne Public Library.
All members are encouraged to come help make future plans for the Society.
Topics of discussion will include meeting times, bulletin preparation and museum work.
Please bring any new ideas that will improve the group.
Also, members are reminded of dues for 2007.
Others who are interested in preserving our county history and would like to join the Historical Society are welcome to attend this meeting.
Please contact P. L. Compton, 312 Carnes Bend Road, Brantley, Ala.
36009 for more information.
You may call Mr. Compton at (334) 527-8980.
The Society has several publications for sale.
A list and prices may be obtained by contacting P. L. Compton or any other member.
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Jane Owens, daughter of Betty and Douglas Butts, was honored with a baby shower on Sunday afternoon at South Luverne Baptist Church fellowship hall.
The party area was beautifully decorated in the baby theme of mostly pink in honor of the soon arrival of a baby girl.
Family and friends came between
the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Jane received many useful baby items.
A large white rocker was given by her brother.
Her grandmother, Hazel Butts, gave a handmade crib quilt that caught the eye of everyone, knowing what a treasured gift of love that must be for a great-grandchild.
Delicious refreshments were served before Jane opened the gifts.
Hosting this for the expectant mother were Felisa Parret, Kelly Butts and Jennifer Butts.
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The Women of Faith of The Repairers of the Breach Church extend a special invitation to all ladies to come and bring someone you love to their February 17, 2007, meeting this Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.
Come and worship together.
The ladies have a special program planned that will bless your heart.
For more information, please call Ruth Horn at (334) 335-6960.
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Several people from the Luverne area attended the performance given by The Vienna Boys' Choir of Austria at the Claudia Crosby Theatre at Troy University on Monday night, February 12.
This special event was sponsored by Troy University, the Troy Arts Council and ICM Artists.
These 24 young men gave a very delightful performance that was outstanding.
They are between the ages of ten and fourteen.
They visit virtually all European countries, and are frequent guests in Asia, Australia and the Americas.
Friends attending together were Edna Norsworthy, Voncile Nichols, Julia Moses and Mattie Pearl Sport.
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Brother Jim Tate and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church family invite everyone to attend the deacon ordination service of three men, Chad Carpenter, Andy Kimbro and Chris Layton, on Sunday evening, February 25th at 6:00.
Over the last several weeks, these three men each gave their testimony of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord and humbly accepted the role of deacon, recognizing it as a position of servant leadership in their church family.
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The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met February 6th at 7:00 p.m. at the Jan Cook Center in Dozier.
Ten members were present.
Karen Davis presented each member with a book of cookie recipes that were enjoyed by all at the last meeting.
In the business session, the group voted to change the meeting time to every third Tuesday of each month starting in September.
Plans were made to hold a yard and bake sale on March 10th at Mama's House Cafe on Highway 29, located a short distance on the right past the caution light.
Their annual Valentine Banquet was held on Friday night, February 9th at Mama's House Cafe.
They crowned La Rue Kelsoe as their 2007 Valentine Queen.
The sorority also celebrated their 35th anniversary.
A member, Ellen Joiner, baked and decorated the anniversary cake that was served following the meal.
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Frances Strowd was treated to a surprise birthday luncheon on Sunday, February 11th at the Old Barn Restaurant in Goshen.
After church on Sunday, her son Jeffery suggested, “Mom, if you don't mind, let's just ride around for a while before we go home.”
Already there to help Frances celebrate were friends, Clark and Debbie Coggins, Buddy and Pam Strops and daughter, Amber Strops.
A decorated birthday cake was placed in the center of their dining table.
The waiters and waitresses of the Old Barn sang “Happy Birthday” to the honoree.
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The monthly luncheon of the 1947 LHS Classmates was held on February 8, 2007, at Meadowcrest Community room.
Each person attending brought a brown bag lunch.
Mildred Martin served a red velvet cake that was baked by her sister, Mary Morgan.
The tables were decorated by Margaret Nichols with a Valentine theme.
The classmates enjoyed meeting Wilma Cook's daughter, Patti Roy of Montgomery, who came as a guest.
Also Beth Speed, Wilma's sister, was a guest who delighted everyone with some of her funny “grandmother” stories and other stories that were requested by Edna Norsworthy for Betty to repeat.
Dianne Edwards of Montgomery was a guest who the classmates already claim as a member of their Lunch Bunch.
Dianne is a friend of Wilma's.
Other classmates attending were Louise Morgan, Mattie Pearl Sport, Katherine Evans and Voncile Nichols.