SLBC to hold annual Festival of Praise Sunday, Jan. 7
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The Adult III Sunday School Class of South Luverne Baptist Church held their annual Christmas social in the home of Bobby and Mary Morgan in Brantley on December 21st.
The covered dish dinner was served as soon as everyone arrived around 6:30 p.m.
The Morgans welcomed everyone and Bobby gave the blessing for the bountiful meal.
The dining and living room was decorated in the traditional Christmas motif with a large decorated Christmas tree in the living room area.
A candle was lit that burned throughout the evening in memory of their classmate, Polly Duncan.
A recent picture of Polly was placed near the candle.
After the meal, a great time of fun and fellowship was enjoyed.
Some of the class members passed out Christmas favors to everyone.
Pastor Mike and Lisa Green, special guests, also gave everyone a Christmas favor.
Eighteen were in attendance.
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The annual Festival of Praise will be Sunday, January 7th at 5:00 p.m. at South Luverne Baptist Church, located on the Glenwood-Luverne Highway.
All local churches have been invited to come and participate.
The SLBC family extends a welcome to this non-denominational meeting of great music, followed by refreshments (finger foods).
Guy Bruce is the contact person for this special event.
(334) 335-5244 or 335-4324.
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The Luverne High School Classmates of 1947 Lunch Bunch held their annual Christmas luncheon at Ms. Fannie's Front Porch Tea Room in Brantley on December 14th.
The owner, Ms. Delatha Christian, served a delicious salad plate along with a variety of homemade desserts.
The party room was decorated in the Christmas theme.
After the meal the classmates exchanged their annual Christmas ornament swap.
Edna Norsworthy passed out her traditional giving of a special Christmas favor created by Alice Curtis.
This year they were large acorns with hand painted faces of Santa Claus.
Each attendee also received 2007 calendars compliments of MonCree Telephone Company in Ramer and Pop Kilpatrick, Heavy Equipment Services in Luverne.
The January luncheon will be a brown bag lunch at Meadowcrest Community room on January 11th at 11:00 a.m.
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The Brantley Rural Club held their annual Christmas luncheon for members and their spouses on December 14th at Michael's Southern Foods in Brantley.
After the meal the members exchanged Christmas gifts.
Several members brought homemade desserts that were enjoyed by everyone.
Edna Norsworthy presented all members with a hand-crafted wooden container to hold sweetness.
Alice Curtis hand painted flowers on the small wooden houses labeled “Sugar Shack.”
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Luverne Methodist Church Chancel Choir presented “The Music of Christmas” on Sunday night, December 17th at 6:00 p.m.
This beautiful musical message of the true meaning of Christmas was directed by Jim Head with organist Stephanie Jones and pianist Denise Pearce.
The children blessed everyone by presenting Cherub Chimes with Bell Ringing directed by Sandy Walker.
The children's choir gave a beautiful performance of several Christmas songs directed by Stephanie Jones.
Rev. Ken Jackson told the Christmas story.
The highlight to many was Dr. Pat Walker singing “Ave Maria.”
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Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends of the late Mr. George and Mrs. Lois Kilpatrick came together recently at the Luverne Nutritional Center to celebrate Thanksgiving, but even more, to help each other get through this first Thanksgiving without “Grandma” (Mrs. Lois) who passed away in March of this year.
Since 1951 when their youngest child, Jane Kauffmann, moved away from Luverne, Thanksgiving has been the time when all who possibly could came home from wherever they were for a family gathering at the Kilpatricks.
It was a grand time of renewing relationships, meeting new family members and friends and for bodacious eating.
Saturday, November 25, 2006, was hopefully the continuing of an old, along with the beginning of a new, tradition.
They hope to make this a yearly event.
So the Kilpatricks say, “If you are not otherwise occupied on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving of next year, and hopefully years to follow, come on down to LNC for some good food and great fun.”
See you there!
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On December 7th, at 7:00 a.m., Mattie Pearl Sport, Douglas Cornett and Reby Allen, all of Luverne,
boarded a motor coach with Capital Trailways Tours for a three-day tour to Christmas in Nashville, Tenn.
The tour group stayed at the beautiful Gaylord Opryland Resort Hotel for two nights.
Immediately upon arrival they visited the “Fantasy in Ice”
display of carvings, sculptures and three dimensional holiday themed displays, all made of ice.
They enjoyed the ice carving demonstrations in the 20,000 square foot exhibit.
The tour included reserved seats for a Lazy Susan Family Style Christmas Dinner in the Gaylord Opryland Ballroom, with the Pam Tillis Holiday Show,
Radio City Rockettes
at the Grand Ole Opry, Christmas Lunch and Show aboard the General Jackson Showboat and reserved seats to the World Famous Grand Ole Opry.
One of the highlights was seeing the “Largest Nativity Scenes in the Country” displayed by the Veranda reflecting pool at the hotel.
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Grateful Hearts adult fellowship group at South Luverne Baptist Church enjoyed their December covered dish supper on December 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Nancy Petrey rendered the special music, and Pastor Mike Green gave a very inspiring and timely devotion on “Gifts that you can give to God” that do not cost money.
The main gift is giving Him yourself.