-Dec. 8-
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 8, 2005
n Mrs. Claus at Greenville LBW Campus
Mrs. Santa Claus will be at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College's Greenville campus from 5-7 p.m. Dec. 8. She will take Christmas wish lists and will read a Christmas story. There is no charge for admission, but non-perishable food items will be accepted for donations to the Butler County Department of Human Resources' annual food drive. Call Mollie Smith at 334-382-2133 ext. 3112 for more details.
-Dec. 10-
n ASU Alumni Meeting
All Butler County Alabama State University alumni are invited and encouraged to meet Virginia Howard and Brenda Khan-Spells, president and president-elect, of ASU's National Alumni Association at 11 a.m. at the Butler Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church fellowship hall. The meeting is being held to organize a Butler County Alumni chapter of ASU. Call Geraldine C. Feagin at 382-8585 or Gloria C. Warren at 382-7861 or Eugene Hudson at 382-3202.
-Dec. 15-
n Board of Education Meeting
The Butler County Board of Education will have its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Dec. 15 in the central office boardroom at 215 Administrative Drive in Greenville. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
-Dec. 17-
Yuletide Musical Concert
The Christian Education Department of the Greenville District is presenting the Saint Paul Baptist Church Choir and the Rev. Scott Miller in a Yuletide Musical Concert at 6 p.m. Dec. 17 at Butler Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church. The pubic is invited and encouraged to attend.
n 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
The Greenville YMCA will host a 3 on 3 basketball tournament starting at 9 a.m. Dec. 17. The tournament is limited to 16 teams with an entry fee of $30 per team. Proceeds from the tournament go to YMCA youth football. There will also be a 3-point shootout and slam dunk competition. Entry for the 3-point shootout and the slam dunk competition is $15 per person for each category. Admission to the tournament is $3 for adults and $1 for students. Registration is open now until Dec. 15.
-Dec. 20-
n Baseball Clinic at the Y
The Greenville YMCA will host a baseball clinic for age groups 6-10 and 11-18 Dec. 27-29 at Beeland Park. Registration is $40 per person for YMCA members and $60 for non-members. Registration is open now until Dec. 20. Call 382-0550 for more information.
-Ongoing Announcements-
n County Commission
The meeting time for the Butler County Commission's regularly scheduled second-Monday meetings has been changed from 10 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Workshops for each regularly scheduled meeting will still be held on the prior Thursday at 6 p.m.
n Athletic Club Meeting
The public is invited to participate in the weekly scheduled Greenville High Athletic Club meetings at 6 p.m. each Monday in the high school cafeteria. The public is encouraged to attend and share ideas toward building a championship-level athletic department.
n 21st Century Afterschool Program
The Butler County Board of Education will be offering a 21st Century Afterschool Program for K-8th grade students Monday-Friday until 5 p.m. at W.O. Parmer, Greenville Elementary, and at the Education and Community Center for Greenville Middle School students.
Certified teachers assist with homework and offer learning activities which are fun and educational. Tuition is $25 per month. Registration forms are available at each of the sites.
Classes begin Aug. 10. Contact Gerry Adair or Amy Bryan at 382-2665 for more information.
n GHS Child Care
Greenville High School Child Care is accepting applications for the 3- to 4-year-old daycare program for 2005-2006 school year.
For more information, call Pat Gibson or Glinda Parmer at 382-2608 ext. 5 or 382-2665.
n Greenville Lions Club
The Greenville Lions Club meets every Monday at the Boys & Girls Club at noon.
Those interested should call 382-8000.
n Adult Education Classes
Adult education classes are now underway for those who need to obtain a GED or strengthen their educational skills. The classes are free and taught on an individualized basis. Classes meet every Monday and Tuesday at the following locations:
n LBW Community College,
Greenville campus – 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Old Greenville High School - 6-8 p.m.
Georgiana High School: 6-8:30 p.m. Contact Ronald Shanks at (334) 382-6009 or LBW's Greenville campus at (334) 382-2133, ext. 3101.
n Prayer Breakfast
The Lowndes-Butler County first Wednesday prayer breakfast is held at 8 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at Priester's Pecans in Fort Deposit.
All who are interested in praying for our community and are seeking Christian fellowship are encouraged to attend. Call Doyle Sasser at 391-0351.
n GHS Class of 1961
The GHS class of 1961 is planning a 45th reunion. If you have not received any information about this, contact Joe Haygood at (334) 382-2727 or Phyllis Armstrong at (334) 382-8239.
Calendar items are published free as a service to our community. Fax to 382-7104 or email to editor@greenvilleadvocate.com. or mail to P.O. Box 507, Greenville, AL 36037.
Items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event and no later than noon on Thursday prior to a Saturday publication or Friday at noon for a Wednesday publication.
The Advocate reserves the right to edit or content or for space.
No Butler Bulletin will be taken via telephone.