Canton a good example of #8216;community#039;
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 12, 2005
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there have been numerous stories of good deeds that the national media has chosen not to focus on, instead putting their energies into publicizing death, destruction and depravity, some of which has turned out to be false.
As a community newspaper our mission is to put our primary energies into reporting on the good things that happen in our community. One of those good deeds, helping Katrina evacuees put back together their shattered lives, was recently profiled on CNN and the response has been phenomenal.
Letters, emails and contributions have poured in from every corner of the nation. Some sent money; others sent letters saying the example Greenville set made them proud to be an American. We can think of no higher compliment than that.
One town, Canton, N.Y., saw the CNN piece and decided to take the ”rifle approach“ to sending aid. Canton, which sits near the border with Canada, is not unlike Greenville both in population and community spirit.
”The north country knows what it's like to be in a life or death situation,“ Canton Mayor Robert Wells said.
The Canton community's response has been phenomenal and the results were realized Tuesday when a $6,055 check arrived that will go directly to paying the costs of helping Katrina victims.
People helping people, north helping south. Canton's efforts show what can be done when a small group of people who have big hearts get together to help their fellow man. It's an example we should all follow as the media coverage wanes but the reality of what the people affected by Katrina still face.
The Butler County Dept. of Human Resources has done an exemplary job in coordinating the county's efforts and director Frieda Stevens, program coordinator Susan Sorrells and the staff and volunteers at DHR are to be commended for their stick-to-itiveness in dealing with what we hope is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Our hats off to DHR and Canton as both work together to make a difference in people's lives.