Letters to the Editor 11-26-2003
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 28, 2003
Thanks for
RLS Tigers support
Dear Editor:
I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to the coordinators who set up the block party for the Red Level Tiger football team last Thursday night in downtown Red Level. I don't know all the names of those involved, but I'm glad to see they are behind this team. I'm also glad they want the fans to be involved. Many Tiger fans aren't able to attend pep rallies at the school on Friday afternoons and the block party gave us "working folks" a chance to participate. It gave us a chance to enjoy in the excitement our team has brought this little community throughout the 2003 football season. It also gave us an opportunity to tell the players how much we appreciate them. It's an exciting time in Red Level these days and I'm glad to see we have people who are working hard to ensure everyone is involved in the experience.
We would also like to thank the Red Level VFW and County Commissioners for donating money to buy drinks and pizza for the block party; the Red Level police department for event security and safety; WAAO radio station for getting the word out to the public; and the Andalusia Star-News for showcasing the talents of many of our football players in their sports articles. Thank you all for your outstanding support. This community support clearly shows the players we stand behind them and believe in them.
In closing, we want to tell our Red Level Tigers that we are very proud of them.
No matter how the season plays out, in our eyes they are already CHAMPIONS! GO TIGERS!!
Randy R. Hildreth