Letters to the Editor 10-25-2002

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 24, 2002

Relative appreciates Morgan tales

Dear Editor:

This is a letter of thanks to your newspaper and it's staff for the articles on the Morgan Family.

Earlier this month my wife and I made a trip of more then 6000 miles researching her Morgan roots. Little did we know,

all we had to do to accomplish the same result was to read your paper.

While I am sure it is in human interest that you ran the stories on the Morgan family, they have been a great help to us and the hundreds who we are in touch with in our quest for genealogy facts on the Morgans.

Copies of these articles are now in the hands of a great many Morgan descendants who were greatly surprised and elated to see them.

We personally saw the effect they had on two elderly Morgan family members, who we had as

visitors in our home at the time we found them on the net.

Kudos to you!

Thank you,

Richard W Read

Providence, RI

Keeping in touch with his childhood

Dear Editor:

I have been enjoying The Star-News now for several months and read your article encouraging people to write letters to the editor. It must be said, at this day and time of my life I need lots of encouragement just to carry on. After being away from Andalusia for many years, it has been a pleasure to read about the current events and then reminisce on things as they were in old days.

My elementary school days were spent on the East side of the Town Square and my high school education was received at the Church Street School on the west side of town. That was long ago.

In your daily news you report information on many surrounding communities such as, Pleasant Home, Falco, Straughn, etc. When I read about these particular places they gave my memory a faint tingle but not enough to pin-point their location in

my faded recollection.

If The Star-News had a map showing the location of these nearby small communities and would publish it every-so-often, in their reliable newspaper, old, "Moved Away", subscribers would appreciate the favor.

Billy Lunsford

Ed. Note: The following link may be helpful. Just cut and paste into your browser.
